"A Little River"
Nutting, Wallace
"Bonnie May"
"Into the Birchwood"
"The Beauty of the Uplands"
"The Going Forth of Betty"
A Framed Family Photograph
A Framed Photograph of Alva Vanderbilt and her Children
W. Kurtz
A Photograph of Gwendolen King Armstrong
Aime Dupont
A Pierced Sterling Silver Picture Frame
Howard & Company
A Set of Three Colored Photographs
Davidson, D.
A Vermeil Frame with Photograph
Tiffany & Co.
Billie, Augusta and Mollie Hunter
Coaching Club Picnic
L. Alman Studio
Consuelo, Duchess of Marlborough
Dual Frame with Photographs
Frame with photograph of an older H.S. Vanderbilt aboard a motor yacht